Stereospecific alkenylidene homologation of organoboronates by S(N)V reaction. (

These scientists wanted to find a new way to make certain types of molecules that are important in chemistry. They discovered a special reaction called a concerted S(N)V reaction that can help create these molecules faster and more efficiently. They found that this reaction can be sped up by a process called strain-release mechanism in certain metal compounds.

By using this new method, they were able to make complex molecules with multiple parts called alkenylidene units. These molecules are difficult to make using traditional methods. The scientists also showed that this new reaction can be used to create important compounds that are used in medicine and other fields.

Through their research, the scientists used computer simulations to understand how this reaction works at a very tiny level. They found that the molecules undergo a special kind of transformation that helps them create the desired molecules with the right structure.

Chen M., Knox CD., Madhusudhanan MC., Tugwell TH., Liu C., Liu P., Dong G. Stereospecific alkenylidene homologation of organoboronates by S(N)V reaction. Nature. 2024 May 23. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07579-7.

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