Super-enhancers include classical enhancers and facilitators to fully activate gene expression. (

These scientists were studying something called super-enhancers, which are special parts of our cells that control the genes that make our cells unique. They found that super-enhancers have different parts that work together to turn on these genes.

They built a super-enhancer in the lab that had different parts called classical enhancers and facilitator elements. The classical enhancers are like the main switches that turn on the genes, while the facilitator elements help the classical enhancers work better.

The scientists discovered that without the facilitator elements, the classical enhancers couldn't fully turn on the genes. They found that the facilitator elements help recruit other important molecules and help the classical enhancers talk to the genes they control.

The scientists also found that the facilitator elements can be moved around and still work, but some are more important than others depending on where they are in the super-enhancer.

So, these scientists learned that the facilitator elements are really important for making sure the classical enhancers can do their job and turn on the right genes in our cells.

Blayney JW., Francis H., Rampasekova A., Camellato B., Mitchell L., Stolper R., Cornell L., Babbs C., Boeke JD., Higgs DR., Kassouf M. Super-enhancers include classical enhancers and facilitators to fully activate gene expression. Cell. 2023 Dec 21;186(26):5826-5839.e18. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.11.030. Epub 2023 Dec 14.

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