Translation selectively destroys non-functional transcription complexes. (

These scientists wanted to understand how cells repair damaged DNA. They found that when there are mistakes in the DNA, a process called transcription elongation stalls. This means that the cell's machinery that reads and copies the DNA gets stuck at the damaged part. In order for the DNA to be repaired, this stuck machinery needs to be removed from the damaged site.

The scientists discovered that another process called translation, which is when the cell uses the information from the DNA to make proteins, actually helps to remove the stuck machinery. But here's the interesting part - the translation process only removes the stuck machinery if it is completely stuck and not able to continue. If the machinery is just paused but can still work, the translation process helps it get back on track and continue its work.

The scientists also found that when the translation process encounters the paused machinery, it slows down. This helps the cell to recognize that the machinery is only paused and not completely stuck, so it doesn't need to be removed.

The scientists also tested two proteins involved in DNA repair called UvrD and Mfd. They found that UvrD does not interfere with the translation process, but Mfd actually works together with translation to remove the stuck machinery that was not destroyed by the translation process.

Finally, the scientists discovered that the translation process is also important for getting rid of mistakes in the DNA that can cause problems when the cell tries to copy its DNA. This helps to prevent errors from being passed on to new cells.

In conclusion, the scientists found that the translation process is a very important way for cells to remove machinery that is stuck on damaged DNA. This process helps to keep the cells healthy and prevent mistakes from being passed on to future generations of cells.

Woodgate J., Mosaei H., Brazda P., Stevenson-Jones F., Zenkin N. Translation selectively destroys non-functional transcription complexes. Nature. 2024 Feb 7. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-07014-3.

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