In Science Journals. (

These scientists, from the Science family of journals, conducted a study to learn something new about a particular topic. They wanted to understand how something works or why it happens. In this study, they followed a specific method to gather information and draw conclusions.

First, the scientists chose a question they wanted to answer. It could be something like "Why do birds fly?" or "How do plants grow?". Then, they planned how they would find the answer. They thought about what they would need and how they would do the experiment.

Next, the scientists gathered all the materials they needed, like equipment, tools, or even living things. For example, if they were studying birds, they would need binoculars, cameras, and maybe some bird feeders.

Once they had everything ready, they started the experiment. They carefully observed and recorded what happened. They might have watched birds in their natural habitat, took pictures, or made notes about their behavior.

After collecting all the data, the scientists analyzed it. They looked for patterns, trends, or any interesting information that could help them answer their question. They used special tools and techniques to make sense of the data.

Finally, they drew conclusions based on what they found. They wrote down what they learned and shared it with other scientists and the public. This way, everyone can learn from their study and build upon it to discover even more new things.

So, in summary, these scientists planned an experiment, gathered materials, observed and recorded data, analyzed it, and finally shared their findings with others. This is how they tried to answer their question and contribute to our knowledge about the world around us.

Uzogara E., Yeston JS., Szuromi P., Stern P., Wong W., Jiang D., Berry BJ., Kelly PN., Maroso M., Lopez B., Lavine MS., Scanlon ST. In Science Journals. Science. 2024 Feb 2;383(6682):491-493. doi: 10.1126/science.ado3601. Epub 2024 Feb 1.

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