NASA mission will zoom in on ocean life and bright hazes. (

These scientists used a special satellite called PACE to study how the climate is affected by two things: carbon-storing plankton and reflective particles. Plankton are tiny plants that live in the ocean and can store carbon dioxide, which is a gas that can make the Earth warmer. Reflective particles are tiny things in the air that can reflect sunlight back into space and make the Earth cooler.

The scientists sent the PACE satellite up into space to take pictures and measurements of the Earth's oceans and atmosphere. They wanted to see how much carbon dioxide the plankton can store and how the reflective particles can affect the temperature of the Earth.

By studying these things, the scientists hope to understand more about how the Earth's climate works and how it can change over time. This information can help us make better decisions to protect our planet and keep it a safe and healthy place for everyone.

Voosen P. NASA mission will zoom in on ocean life and bright hazes. Science. 2024 Feb 9;383(6683):575-576. doi: 10.1126/science.ado5310. Epub 2024 Feb 8.

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