Plastics that lose their temper on demand. (

These scientists wanted to see if they could make a special material that can change its properties when it gets hot. They found out that by using heat, they can program many different things into this material. It's like giving the material different superpowers!

They started by making the material and then heating it up to a certain temperature. When it got hot, they observed that it could change its shape, color, and even become stronger or softer. It was like magic!

Then, they tried something even cooler. They heated the material to a different temperature and saw that it changed into a completely different shape and color. It was like the material had different personalities!

So, these scientists discovered that heat can be used to program different properties into a material. This means that in the future, we might be able to create things that can change their shape, color, and strength just by using heat. It's like having a material that can do many different things all at once!

McAllister HP., Kalow JA. Plastics that lose their temper on demand. Science. 2024 Feb 2;383(6682):481-482. doi: 10.1126/science.adn3980. Epub 2024 Feb 1.

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