Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3. (

These scientists created a new and improved model called AlphaFold 3 that helps them understand how proteins and other molecules in our bodies interact with each other. This model is like a very smart computer program that can predict the shapes and structures of different molecules. They found that AlphaFold 3 is much better at predicting these shapes compared to other tools that scientists have used before. This means that scientists can now study and design new proteins and molecules more accurately, which can help in developing new medicines and treatments for diseases.

Abramson J., Adler J., Dunger J., Evans R., Green T., Pritzel A., Ronneberger O., Willmore L., Ballard AJ., Bambrick J., Bodenstein SW., Evans DA., Hung CC., O'Neill M., Reiman D., Tunyasuvunakool K., Wu Z., Zemgulyte A., Arvaniti E., Beattie C., Bertolli O., Bridgland A., Cherepanov A., Congreve M., Cowen-Rivers AI., Cowie A., Figurnov M., Fuchs FB., Gladman H., Jain R., Khan YA., Low CMR., Perlin K., Potapenko A., Savy P., Singh S., Stecula A., Thillaisundaram A., Tong C., Yakneen S., Zhong ED., Zielinski M., Zidek A., Bapst V., Kohli P., Jaderberg M., Hassabis D., Jumper JM. Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3. Nature. 2024 May 8. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07487-w.

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