Envisioning a radical futureImagination: A Manifesto Ruha Benjamin Norton, 2024. 192 pp. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38301004/)

These scientists wanted to understand how we can create a society where everyone feels included and valued. They believed that in order to do this, we need to come up with big and creative ideas that are different from how things are now.

So, they started by talking to a lot of people and asking them questions about what they think an inclusive society should look like. They listened carefully to what everyone had to say and wrote down all their ideas.

Then, the scientists took all these ideas and looked for patterns or similarities. They found that many people wanted things like equal opportunities for everyone, fairness, and respect for each other's differences.

Next, the scientists thought about how these ideas could be put into action. They came up with some bold and daring alternatives to the systems we have in place today. For example, they suggested new ways of making sure that everyone has the same chances to succeed, or ways to make sure that everyone's voice is heard and respected.

Finally, the scientists shared their ideas with other people who are interested in making society more inclusive. They wanted to start a conversation and get people excited about these audacious alternatives. They hoped that by sharing their ideas, they could inspire others to think creatively about how to make our world a better place for everyone.

In summary, these scientists believed that to create a more inclusive society, we need to imagine big and bold ideas that are different from what we have now. They talked to many people, found common ideas, and came up with creative alternatives to our current systems. By sharing their ideas, they hope to inspire others to think creatively and work towards a society where everyone feels included and valued.

Ray V. Envisioning a radical futureImagination: A Manifesto Ruha Benjamin Norton, 2024. 192 pp. Science. 2024 Feb 2;383(6682):487. doi: 10.1126/science.adn3943. Epub 2024 Feb 1.

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