In vitro reconstitution of epigenetic reprogramming in the human germ line. (

These scientists wanted to understand how cells in our bodies can change and become different types of cells. They focused on cells that are important for making babies, called germ cells. The scientists found a way to make human germ cells in the lab from stem cells. They discovered that a special protein called bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) plays a big role in this process.

When the scientists turned off a gene called TET1 in the cells, the germ cells didn't develop properly and instead became a different type of cells. This helped the scientists learn more about how our genes are turned on and off in different cells.

Overall, this study is a big step forward in understanding how our bodies work and could help in the future with making new treatments for people who have trouble having babies.

Murase Y., Yokogawa R., Yabuta Y., Nagano M., Katou Y., Mizuyama M., Kitamura A., Puangsricharoen P., Yamashiro C., Hu B., Mizuta K., Ogata K., Ishihama Y., Saitou M. In vitro reconstitution of epigenetic reprogramming in the human germ line. Nature. 2024 May 20. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07526-6.

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