In Science Journals. (

These scientists, from the Science family of journals, conducted a study to learn something new about a particular topic. They wanted to find out more about how something works or why something happens. In this study, the scientists did some experiments and observations to gather information.

First, they had a question in their mind that they wanted to answer. For example, they might have wondered why plants grow better in sunlight than in the dark. To find the answer, they set up a special experiment.

They divided plants into two groups. One group of plants was placed in a room with lots of sunlight, while the other group was kept in a dark room. The scientists then observed the plants over a period of time to see how they grew.

They measured different things like the height of the plants, the number of leaves, and the color of the leaves. They also checked if the plants were healthy or if they were sick. By doing this, they could compare the plants in sunlight with the ones in the dark.

After gathering all the data, the scientists analyzed it. They looked for patterns or trends in the information they collected. For example, they might have noticed that the plants in sunlight grew taller and had greener leaves compared to the plants in the dark.

Based on their observations and analysis, the scientists made a conclusion. They found out that plants need sunlight to grow well because sunlight provides them with a special kind of energy called "photosynthesis." This energy helps plants make food and grow.

The scientists then shared their findings with other scientists and the public by writing a report called a scientific paper. This paper explains all the steps they took, their observations, and their conclusion. Other scientists can read this paper and use the information to build on what the first scientists discovered.

So, in summary, these scientists conducted a study to find answers to their questions. They set up an experiment, observed and measured things, analyzed the data, and made a conclusion. Their findings help us understand more about the world around us.

Wong W., Walia A., Stajic J., Lopez B., Yeston JS., Funk MA., Grocholski B., Scanlon ST., Kelly PN., Nusinovich Y., Seale M., Uzogara E., Smith HJ., Norton ML. In Science Journals. Science. 2024 Feb 9;383(6683):600-602. doi: 10.1126/science.ado4347. Epub 2024 Feb 8.

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