Natural proteome diversity links aneuploidy tolerance to protein turnover. (

These scientists wanted to understand more about how different types of yeast cells behave when they have extra or missing chromosomes. They studied a type of yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae that naturally has these differences in chromosome numbers. They compared these natural yeast cells with yeast cells that were created in a lab to have extra or missing chromosomes.

To do this, the scientists looked at the proteins (which are like the building blocks of cells) in these yeast cells. They found that in the lab-created yeast cells, some proteins were not made as much when there were extra or missing chromosomes. However, in the natural yeast cells, most proteins were made in the right amounts even with the chromosome differences.

They also discovered that certain parts of the cells that help break down proteins were more active in the natural yeast cells with chromosome differences. This helps the cells tolerate having extra or missing chromosomes.

Overall, the scientists learned that studying natural variations in yeast cells can give us important insights into how cells work and adapt to changes in their genetic makeup.

Muenzner J., Trebulle P., Agostini F., Zauber H., Messner CB., Steger M., Kilian C., Lau K., Barthel N., Lehmann A., Textoris-Taube K., Caudal E., Egger AS., Amari F., De Chiara M., Demichev V., Gossmann TI., Mulleder M., Liti G., Schacherer J., Selbach M., Berman J., Ralser M. Natural proteome diversity links aneuploidy tolerance to protein turnover. Nature. 2024 May 22. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07442-9.

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