Structures of human gammadelta T cell receptor-CD3 complex. (

These scientists studied a special group of immune cells called gammadelta T cells, which play an important role in protecting our bodies from infections and diseases. These cells have a special receptor called the gammadelta T cell receptor that helps them recognize different harmful substances in our bodies.

The scientists looked at the structures of two specific types of gammadelta T cell receptors called Vgamma9Vdelta2 and Vgamma5Vdelta1. They found that these two types of receptors have different ways of assembling with other proteins called CD3 subunits, which are important for activating the T cells.

For the Vgamma9Vdelta2 receptor, they discovered that it forms a single structure with parts that can move around a lot. The length of certain parts of the receptor affects how well it can recognize harmful substances and activate the T cell. They also found that a molecule similar to cholesterol can block the signaling of the receptor.

On the other hand, the Vgamma5Vdelta1 receptor forms a structure where two of them come together like a pair of hands holding each other. This dimeric structure is important for activating the T cell.

By understanding how these gammadelta T cell receptors assemble and function, the scientists hope to develop new ways to treat diseases and boost our immune system in the future.

Xin W., Huang B., Chi X., Liu Y., Xu M., Zhang Y., Li X., Su Q., Zhou Q. Structures of human gammadelta T cell receptor-CD3 complex. Nature. 2024 Apr 24. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07439-4.

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