Help wanted, scientists need apply. (

These scientists wanted to make sure that the benefits of science and technology are fair and equal for everyone. They believed that scientists should be involved in important areas like policy-making, journalism, business, and education. So, they decided to do a study to see how many scientists are actually involved in these areas.

First, they collected data from different countries to find out how many scientists are working in these influential sectors. They looked at things like how many scientists are involved in making important decisions, writing news articles, starting businesses, and teaching in schools.

Then, they analyzed the data to see if there are enough scientists in these areas. They wanted to know if scientists are involved in all the different stages of research and development, from coming up with ideas to making things and evaluating them after they are made.

By doing this study, the scientists hope to understand how science and technology can be used in a fair and equal way to benefit everyone. They want to make sure that scientists have a say in important decisions and that their expertise is used in all aspects of creating and using new inventions.

Yamamoto KR. Help wanted, scientists need apply. Science. 2024 Feb 9;383(6683):571. doi: 10.1126/science.ado4539. Epub 2024 Feb 8.

ichini | 7 months ago | 0 comments | Reply