Pan-cancer proteogenomics characterization of tumor immunity. (

These scientists wanted to improve how we treat cancer using a type of treatment called immunotherapy. Immunotherapy helps the body's immune system fight cancer cells. But not all cancer patients respond well to this treatment. So, the scientists decided to study more than 1,000 tumors from different types of cancers to understand why.

They looked at the proteins and genes inside the tumors to see how the immune system was working to fight the cancer. They found that there were seven different types of immune responses in the tumors. Each type had its own unique characteristics. By studying these differences, the scientists could identify specific targets for new treatments.

By doing this research, the scientists hope to develop better ways to treat cancer using immunotherapy. This could help more patients respond positively to treatment and improve their chances of getting better.

Petralia F., Ma W., Yaron TM., Caruso FP., Tignor N., Wang JM., Charytonowicz D., Johnson JL., Huntsman EM., Marino GB., Calinawan A., Evangelista JE., Selvan ME., Chowdhury S., Rykunov D., Krek A., Song X., Turhan B., Christianson KE., Lewis DA., Deng EZ., Clarke DJB., Whiteaker JR., Kennedy JJ., Zhao L., Segura RL., Batra H., Raso MG., Parra ER., Soundararajan R., Tang X., Li Y., Yi X., Satpathy S., Wang Y., Wiznerowicz M., Gonzalez-Robles TJ., Iavarone A., Gosline SJC., Reva B., Robles AI., Nesvizhskii AI., Mani DR., Gillette MA., Klein RJ., Cieslik M., Zhang B., Paulovich AG., Sebra R., Gumus ZH., Hostetter G., Fenyo D., Omenn GS., Cantley LC., Ma'ayan A., Lazar AJ., Ceccarelli M., Wang P. Pan-cancer proteogenomics characterization of tumor immunity. Cell. 2024 Feb 12:S0092-8674(24)00064-3. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.01.027.

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