Multi-project wafers for flexible thin-film electronics by independent foundries. (

These scientists wanted to make it easier and cheaper to create flexible electronics like bendable screens and wearable health patches. They found that the current way of making the tiny transistors needed for these devices was not very efficient. So, they came up with a new method that works well for two common types of transistors used in these devices.

To test their new method, they created a small computer chip called the 6502 microprocessor using their new approach. This chip is like the brain of a computer and is used in many electronic devices. By showing that their new method works for making this chip, they hope to make it easier for other scientists and companies to create all kinds of cool gadgets using flexible electronics.

In simple terms, these scientists found a better way to make the tiny parts needed for bendable screens and other cool gadgets, which could help make these devices cheaper and more advanced in the future.

Celiker H., Dehaene W., Myny K. Multi-project wafers for flexible thin-film electronics by independent foundries. Nature. 2024 May;629(8011):335-340. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07306-2. Epub 2024 Apr 24.

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