Mechanism of single-stranded DNA annealing by RAD52-RPA complex. (

These scientists wanted to understand how a protein called RAD52 works to help fix mistakes in our DNA. RAD52 is like a repair tool inside our cells that helps to fix broken pieces of DNA. When our DNA gets damaged, RAD52 steps in to help put the pieces back together.

The scientists studied RAD52 very closely using special tools and techniques. They found out that RAD52 forms a special shape called an undecameric ring structure, which looks like a ring made up of 11 parts. But this ring shape is not the active form of RAD52 that actually does the repairing.

Instead, the scientists discovered that RAD52 works with another protein called replication protein-A (RPA) to help fix the DNA. When RAD52 and RPA come together, they form an open-ring shape that is ready to do its job. The RAD52 protein has different parts that help it grab onto the broken DNA and bring it together, while the RPA protein helps to stabilize the process.

By studying RAD52 and RPA in detail, the scientists were able to see how they work together to fix DNA and understand the whole process better. This knowledge could help in developing new treatments for certain types of cancer where these proteins play a key role in repairing damaged DNA.

Liang CC., Greenhough LA., Masino L., Maslen S., Bajrami I., Tuppi M., Skehel M., Taylor IA., West SC. Mechanism of single-stranded DNA annealing by RAD52-RPA complex. Nature. 2024 May;629(8012):697-703. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07347-7. Epub 2024 Apr 24.

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