Is the world 1.3 degrees C or 1.5 degrees C warmer? (

These scientists wanted to learn more about global warming, which is when the Earth's temperature gets hotter. They were not sure about some things, so they decided to look at old logbooks from merchant ships. These logbooks are like diaries that sailors used to write down what happened during their journeys.

The scientists collected lots of these logbooks, some of them were more than 200 years old! They carefully read through all the writings in the logbooks to find information about the weather. They wanted to see if they could find any patterns or changes in the temperature of the ocean over a long period of time.

By looking at these old logbooks, the scientists were able to learn about the temperature of the ocean in different places around the world. They found out that the ocean was getting warmer over the years. This information helped them understand more about global warming and how it is affecting our planet.

So, these scientists used old logbooks from merchant ships to study global warming and found out that the ocean is getting hotter. This is important because it helps us understand the changes happening in our environment.

Voosen P. Is the world 1.3 degrees C or 1.5 degrees C warmer? Science. 2024 Feb 2;383(6682):466-467. doi: 10.1126/science.ado3856. Epub 2024 Feb 1.

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