Mixed-organism enzyme in plant defense. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38359137/)

These scientists discovered that plants can use a pathogen's weapon (called a virulence factor) to make themselves stronger against diseases. Imagine if a plant is like a superhero that can turn a bad guy's weapon into a shield to protect itself! The scientists studied how the plant can do this by looking at the different parts of the plant and the pathogen to understand how they interact. It's like solving a puzzle to figure out how the plant can defend itself better. This discovery could help us find new ways to protect plants from getting sick in the future.

Thynne E., Kobe B. Mixed-organism enzyme in plant defense. Science. 2024 Feb 16;383(6684):707-708. doi: 10.1126/science.adn8306. Epub 2024 Feb 15.

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