Microglia maintain structural integrity during fetal brain morphogenesis. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38309258/)

These scientists were studying a type of cells in the brain called microglia. Microglia are like the brain's own security guards, they help protect the brain and keep it healthy. The scientists wanted to learn more about what microglia do during the early stages of brain development.

They discovered that during this early time, microglia gather at certain boundaries in the brain where different parts of the brain are growing in different directions. It's like when two roads meet, and there is a crossing guard to make sure everyone stays safe.

The microglia at these boundaries have a special state that is similar to another type of microglia that is found after birth. These post-natal microglia are known as axon-tract-associated microglia (ATM). The scientists found that the embryonic microglia at these boundaries act like the ATM microglia and help prevent small holes in the brain from becoming big holes.

One of the reasons they can do this is because of a special substance called Spp1. Spp1 helps the microglia stop the holes from getting bigger and also helps them repair any damage that happens.

This study is important because it shows that microglia have important jobs during brain development. They help keep the brain's structure strong and prevent damage. This new knowledge helps us understand more about how microglia work and how the brain grows.

Lawrence AR., Canzi A., Bridlance C., Olivie N., Lansonneur C., Catale C., Pizzamiglio L., Kloeckner B., Silvin A., Munro DAD., Fortoul A., Boido D., Zehani F., Cartonnet H., Viguier S., Oller G., Squarzoni P., Candat A., Helft J., Allet C., Watrin F., Manent JB., Paoletti P., Thieffry D., Cantini L., Pridans C., Priller J., Gelot A., Giacobini P., Ciobanu L., Ginhoux F., Thion MS., Lokmane L., Garel S. Microglia maintain structural integrity during fetal brain morphogenesis. Cell. 2024 Jan 31:S0092-8674(24)00044-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.01.012.

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