Stabilizing 3D-printed metal alloys. (

These scientists wanted to make a special type of metal that is both strong and flexible. Normally, when we make metals really strong, they become less flexible. And when we make them more flexible, they become weaker. It's like a see-saw, where if you go up on one side, the other side goes down.

But these scientists found a way to make a metal that is both strong and flexible at the same time. They used a special design strategy to overcome this problem. It's like they found a way to balance the see-saw so that both sides stay up.

By doing this, they made a metal that can be used for many different things. It can be strong enough to build strong structures like bridges and airplanes, but also flexible enough to bend without breaking. This is really important because it means we can have materials that are both safe and durable.

Zhang LC., Wang J. Stabilizing 3D-printed metal alloys. Science. 2024 Feb 9;383(6683):586-587. doi: 10.1126/science.adn6566. Epub 2024 Feb 8.

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