Geographic variation of mutagenic exposures in kidney cancer genomes. (

These scientists wanted to understand why certain types of cancer occur more often in some countries compared to others. They focused on a type of kidney cancer called clear cell renal cell carcinoma. They knew that factors like obesity, hypertension, and smoking could increase the risk of this cancer, but these factors alone couldn't explain why the cancer rates varied so much between countries.

So, the scientists decided to look at the genetic makeup of the cancer cells from people in different countries. They collected samples from 962 patients in 11 countries with different rates of this kidney cancer. What they found was really interesting! They discovered that the patterns of genetic mutations in the cancer cells were different depending on where the patients were from.

For example, in Romania, Serbia, and Thailand, they found a specific genetic signature that suggested exposure to a harmful compound called aristolochic acid. In Japan, they found a different genetic signature that they couldn't identify the cause of. This signature was seen in a lot of cases in Japan but only in a few cases in other countries.

They also found that the levels of another genetic signature, which was linked to higher rates of kidney cancer, were higher in countries where more people were diagnosed with this cancer. Surprisingly, they didn't find any genetic signatures linked to obesity or hypertension, suggesting that these factors might increase cancer risk through different mechanisms.

Overall, this study showed that there are different genetic mutations in kidney cancer cells from different countries, indicating that there are likely multiple factors in the environment that can lead to cancer. By studying these genetic differences, scientists hope to learn more about what causes cancer and how to prevent it in the future.

Senkin S., Moody S., Diaz-Gay M., Abedi-Ardekani B., Cattiaux T., Ferreiro-Iglesias A., Wang J., Fitzgerald S., Kazachkova M., Vangara R., Le AP., Bergstrom EN., Khandekar A., Otlu B., Cheema S., Latimer C., Thomas E., Atkins JR., Smith-Byrne K., Cortez Cardoso Penha R., Carreira C., Chopard P., Gaborieau V., Keski-Rahkonen P., Jones D., Teague JW., Ferlicot S., Asgari M., Sangkhathat S., Attawettayanon W., Swiatkowska B., Jarmalaite S., Sabaliauskaite R., Shibata T., Fukagawa A., Mates D., Jinga V., Rascu S., Mijuskovic M., Savic S., Milosavljevic S., Bartlett JMS., Albert M., Phouthavongsy L., Ashton-Prolla P., Botton MR., Silva Neto B., Bezerra SM., Curado MP., Zequi SC., Reis RM., Faria EF., de Menezes NS., Ferrari RS., Banks RE., Vasudev NS., Zaridze D., Mukeriya A., Shangina O., Matveev V., Foretova L., Navratilova M., Holcatova I., Hornakova A., Janout V., Purdue MP., Rothman N., Chanock SJ., Ueland PM., Johansson M., McKay J., Scelo G., Chanudet E., Humphreys L., de Carvalho AC., Perdomo S., Alexandrov LB., Stratton MR., Brennan P. Geographic variation of mutagenic exposures in kidney cancer genomes. Nature. 2024 May;629(8013):910-918. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07368-2. Epub 2024 May 1.

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