In Science Journals. (

These scientists wanted to understand how plants grow when they are in different environments. They decided to plant seeds in two different places - one group of seeds were planted in a sunny garden and the other group in a dark room with only artificial light.

They watered both groups of seeds the same amount every day and watched them closely. After a few weeks, they found that the seeds in the sunny garden grew taller and greener compared to the seeds in the dark room.

This showed the scientists that plants need sunlight to grow well and be healthy. They wrote down all their observations and shared their findings with other scientists so everyone could learn more about how plants grow.

Vignieri S., Lavine MS., Yeston JS., Suleymanov Y., Olingy C., Ash C., Matsiko A., Smith HJ., Alderton G., Nusinovich Y., Funk MA., Seale M., Jiang D., Ross SH., Hallberg DL., Aldenderfer M., Foley JF., Shilatifard A. In Science Journals. Science. 2024 Feb 16;383(6684):715-717. doi: 10.1126/science.ado6282. Epub 2024 Feb 15.

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