Structure is beauty, but not always truth. (

These scientists wanted to understand how drugs work inside our bodies. They used a special type of science called structural biology. But they found that sometimes this type of science can be confusing and not give them the right answers. So, they decided to study four important problems that they faced.

The first problem was figuring out what the information they got from their experiments really meant. Sometimes, the results can be tricky to understand.

The second problem was about how things move inside our bodies. They needed to know how drugs move and interact with different parts of our body.

The third problem was that sometimes the structures they studied in the lab didn't look the same as they do inside our bodies. So, they needed to find a way to make sure their lab experiments were accurate.

The fourth problem was studying how drugs interact with different parts of our body. Sometimes, drugs can affect parts of our body that they are not supposed to. They wanted to understand why this happens.

By studying and solving these four problems, the scientists hope to make structural biology even better. This will help them discover new and effective drugs to treat different diseases.

Fraser JS., Murcko MA. Structure is beauty, but not always truth. Cell. 2024 Feb 1;187(3):517-520. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.01.003.

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