NINJ1 mediates plasma membrane rupture by cutting and releasing membrane disks. (

These scientists studied a protein called NINJ1 that is involved in causing cells to burst open in a process called pyroptosis. They used a technique called cryo-electron microscopy to take detailed pictures of how NINJ1 is structured. They found that NINJ1 forms a ring-like structure made up of smaller parts called subunits. These subunits have different parts that help them stick together and interact with cell membranes.

The scientists discovered that NINJ1 can form disk-like structures on cell membranes, which can lead to the cell membrane breaking open. They used special imaging techniques to see these ring-like structures on cell membranes and found that when NINJ1 is released from cells, it can surround and damage membranes inside the cell.

Overall, the scientists found that NINJ1 works differently from other proteins in causing cells to burst open, by forming disk-like structures that lead to membrane damage and cell death.

David L., Borges JP., Hollingsworth LR., Volchuk A., Jansen I., Garlick E., Steinberg BE., Wu H. NINJ1 mediates plasma membrane rupture by cutting and releasing membrane disks. Cell. 2024 Apr 25;187(9):2224-2235.e16. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.03.008. Epub 2024 Apr 12.

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