Plasmid targeting and destruction by the DdmDE bacterial defence system. (

These scientists wanted to understand how a special system in bacteria called DdmDE helps to get rid of small pieces of DNA that don't belong there. They studied a specific type of protein called DdmE, which is like a tiny scissor that can cut up the foreign DNA. They used powerful microscopes and did experiments in the lab to see how DdmE works when it is guided by another protein called DdmD. They found out that DdmD changes its shape when it grabs onto the foreign DNA, which then activates DdmE to start cutting it up. This study helps us understand how bacteria defend themselves against unwanted DNA, like when they encounter harmful viruses.

Bravo JPK., Ramos DA., Ocampo RF., Ingram C., Taylor DW. Plasmid targeting and destruction by the DdmDE bacterial defence system. Nature. 2024 May 13. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07515-9.

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