Adhesive anti-fibrotic interfaces on diverse organs. (

These scientists wanted to find a way to make sure that when doctors put things like implants or devices inside our bodies, our bodies wouldn't react badly to them. They tested a special sticky material that they put between the implant and the body tissue in different animals like rats, mice, humanized mice, and pigs.

They found that this sticky material helped to stop the body from forming a tough layer around the implant, which can sometimes happen and cause problems. They looked at different organs like the stomach, lungs, and heart, and saw that the sticky material worked well in all of them.

To make sure their results were right, the scientists did a lot of tests in the lab. They studied how proteins stuck to the sticky material, measured different things in the body, and even looked at the genetic material inside cells.

In the end, they also tested how well the sticky material worked with electrical devices inside the body of rats for a long time. They found that the sticky material helped the devices work well without causing any issues for 12 weeks.

Overall, the scientists discovered that this sticky material could be a great way to make sure implants and devices stay working well in our bodies for a long time without causing any harm.

Wu J., Deng J., Theocharidis G., Sarrafian TL., Griffiths LG., Bronson RT., Veves A., Chen J., Yuk H., Zhao X. Adhesive anti-fibrotic interfaces on diverse organs. Nature. 2024 May 22. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07426-9.

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