The purpose and ubiquity of turnover. (

These scientists studied how things in living organisms are constantly being made and broken down. This happens with many different parts of living things, like RNA, proteins, cells, and even things like hair and nails. Sometimes it might seem like a waste to break down these parts when they are still working fine. Some parts break down really quickly, while others stay the same for a long time.

The scientists wanted to understand why this turnover process is important. They found that it helps living things regenerate, repair quickly, and get rid of damage. It also helps maintain the right levels of certain things in the body and prevents problems from building up.

The scientists think that there is a balance between the benefits of this turnover process and the energy it takes to do it. They believe that this balance helps explain why living things age. By studying how turnover works, they hope to learn more about the basic processes of life.

Reddien PW. The purpose and ubiquity of turnover. Cell. 2024 May 23;187(11):2657-2681. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.04.034.

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