The innovation menagerie: New institutional structures are expanding horizons for early-stage research. (

These scientists wanted to find ways to help academics, who are people that do important research and make new discoveries. They found that academics sometimes have problems getting enough money and coordinating their work with others. This means that their research is not as big or as helpful as it could be.

So, these scientists wanted to see if there are new ways to give money and support to academics, like giving money from people who want to help or from the government. They wanted to find out if these new ways could help academics do even more amazing research and make even more important discoveries.

Rodriques SG. The innovation menagerie: New institutional structures are expanding horizons for early-stage research. Cell. 2024 Jan 4;187(1):3-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.11.039.

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